
Crusader Kings 2 Change Holding Type

1 Jan 2000admin

And how I can change this.?Long story short, I was ruling as the king of Ireland but my character had terrible traits and was hated by everyone and was eventually excommunicated, making everyone hate me more.To lift the excommunication I gifted the Pope a county (Connact) to raise his opinion of me. Fast forward a generation and the Pope went off on a crusade on the other end of the map. I figure this is a perfect time to try and get my county back so I go to war and win it back.Now I get the message 'wrong type of holding in demesne' but I'm not sure what this means. Is there any way to revert the county back to normal?

Why cant I hold this town, castle whatever? I can see if i'm of a wrong religion to hold a church I guess, but other than that, what is this red font telling me?Please, I'm 5. (You know, Gaga goo goo).Seriously, i've tried to deduce what they're saying, i've done searches in reddit and elsewhere. Seems like everyone else understands this.:-)Edit: thanks all. This was not explained to me anywhere else.at least that i noticed. Maybe if i looked harder at the tutorial, who knows? Thanks for your time and responses.

Also, just to mention; if you conquer a province and acquire all its holdings you will automatically see a wrong holding in your demesne. Sims 4 adult custom content and mods. If you plan on landing the province to a character in your court you can check the 'include lower titles' box when you do so. Afterwards the other holdings will (instantly, in my experience) have barons, bishops, mayors.This is useful if you have a very small court and lack suitable characters, you're low on gold to invite noblemen or aren't particularly bothered and want to re-organise quickly.

Crusader Kings II: Got 'wrong type of holding' warning in Demesne Hello friends, i was being as Poland then i have conquered the Pomeranian tribes to the north, but after that i have got 'wrong type of holding' warning, and the holding in three provinces is been labeled as 'recently conquered' modifier for wrong religion, culture etc, which. Crusader Kings II. City is main holding in demense, how do i change it so I hold 'correct' demense type. Thread starter tapewormlondon; Start date. (barony) being the main title, to a city. I now have a penelty for wrong demense type. How do I change it so the county is controlled by the castle? (i know how to change the owners of the wrong.